Monday, 21 April 2014

Get Crafty: Find that Liberty fabric

Liberty cotton. I adore it. As soon as I indulge in buying a carefully selected piece it gets anxiously washed, delicately pressed, lightly folded and then repeatedly stroked and gawped at.  Although gorgeous it is by no means cheap. Cutting into it for a project always fills me with butterflies and my hands get ever so slightly shakey as I bring the scissors towards it..... In my "interesting" head I can hear the impending strings of Jaws. Yup "interesting" is a polite word to use.
Anyway, if you are vaguely anything like me, or if you are more emotionally stable and just like Liberty I have found a gem of a blog post.  The amazing Ali from Very Berry Handmade has written a hugely informative list and review piece about where to go for all of your Liberty cotton desires; be it fat quarters, binding or metres.
I feel an over indulgent buying, washing, pressing and not forgetting stroking session coming on. Yay for me!

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